
Tuesday, May 30, 2023

MAINSTREAM REPORT--Mutual Assured Destruction--ON THE BEACH (1957)

MAINSTREAM--"On the Beach," Nevil Shute, 1957

On the Beach, a novel by Nevil Shute, Wm Morrow & Co., New York, 1957

The Author

     Born on 17 January 1899 in Ealing, London. After attending the Dragon School and Shrewsbury School, he studied Engineering Science at Balliol College, Oxford. He worked as an aeronautical engineer and published his first novel, Marazan, in 1926. In 1931 he married Frances Mary Heaton and they went on to have two daughters. During the Second World War he joined the Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve where he worked on developing secret weapons. After the war he continued to write and settled in Australia where he lived until his death on 12 January 1960. His most celebrated novels include Pied Piper (1942), No Highway (1948), A Town Like Alice (1950) and On the Beach (1957).

The Era

     In the late 1950s, when the novel was published, the Cold War was being waged on many fronts; in space with the launch of the first orbiting satellite, “Sputnik,” by the USSR; in Berlin with the infamous Wall, in the United Nations as the Soviet Union’s Nikita Khrushchev, pounded a shoe on the podium and shouted, “We will bury you!” and at Yucca Flats, Nevada, with above ground atomic bomb testing. These routine atmospheric blasts, and the fallout clouds that accompanied them, set the stage for “On the Beach,” for it is in the mushroom clouds the end of the human race is spelled out in no uncertain terms from the beginning of the novel to its conclusion.

The Characters

Dwight Towers - Captain of the American nuclear submarine. Dwight is a practical, rational man, he continues to believe that his family is still alive. 
Moira Davidson - Single socialite young woman, dances and drinks as approaching radiation means she won’t fulfill her dreams. 
Peter Holmes - A lieutenant commander in the Royal Australian Navy. He fears a mission at sea would mean his wife and young baby may not be alive when the ship returns to Australia. 
Mary Holmes - Peter's wife. she refuses to accept that her world is coming to an end. 
 John Osborne - Scientist with CSIRO, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, faces the reality of his impending death. He is assigned to the mission the submarine makes and later participates in a road race in his Ferrari. There are others, most of whom play some important part of the story, but the main plot is centered around this ensemble cast with no real main character(s) assuming lead roles.

The Story

     Dwight Towers is the last US Navy commander and arrives in Melbourne because the Northern Hemisphere has been contaminated with radiation and everybody north of the equator has perished in several thousand atomic detonations. The fallout cloud slowly descends south toward Australia and those who remain alive count the days until their assured deaths. 
      Day to day existence goes on as normal people consider planting flowers, going on their vacations and shopping as if nothing was going to happen. In the meantime, unexpected developments create a set of circumstances that affect all of the characters in the ensemble. Towers is ordered to sail to Seattle where a mysterious Morse code signal has been retransmitted continuously but with no intelligible meaning. It didn’t make sense. 
     The submarine, the USS Scorpion, nuclear powered, had the capability to stay underwater long enough to make the journey up the Australian coast to check on the progress of the deadly cloud closing in on Melbourne, enroute to Washington state where the signal was being transmitted. Peter Holmes and John Osborne were both tasked to go along on the mission to gather data for the Australian navy. 


     The socialite Moira Davidson refuses to accept her fate as Dwight attempts to explain to her in detail the problem. 
      “There never was a bomb dropped in the Southern Hemisphere,” she said angrily. “Why must it come to us? Can’t anything be done to stop it?” He shook his head. 
     “Not a thing. It’s the winds. It’s mighty difficult to dodge what’s carried on the wind.” “It’s not so difficult to understand, really,” he said. 
     “In each hemisphere the winds go around in great whorls, thousands of miles across, between the pole and the equator. There’s a circulatory system of winds in the Northern Hemisphere and another in the Southern Hemisphere. But what divides them isn’t the equator that you see on a globe. It’s a thing called the Pressure Equator, and that shifts north and south with the season. 
     In January the whole of Borneo and Indonesia is in the northern system, but in July the division has shifted away up north, so that all of India and Siam, and everything that’s to the south of that, is in the southern system. So, in January the northern winds carry the radioactive dust from the fall-out down into Malaya, say. Then in July that’s in the southern system, and our own winds pick it up and carry it down here. That’s the reason why it’s coming to us slowly.”
     She turned to him in the starlight. “I’m never going to get outside Australia. All my life I’ve wanted to see the Rue de Rivoli. I suppose it’s the romantic name. It’s silly, because I suppose it’s just a street like any other street. But that’s what I’ve wanted, and I’m never going to see it. Because there isn’t any Paris now, or London, or New York.” 
       He smiled at her gently. “The Rue de Rivoli may still be there, with things in the shop windows and everything. I wouldn’t know if Paris got a bomb or not. Maybe it’s all there still, just as it was, with the sun shining down the street the way you’d want to see it.” She got restlessly to her feet. 
      “That’s not the way I wanted to see it. A city of dead people.”


Dwight went forward and found Lieutenant Sunderstrom sitting in the radiation suit complete but for the helmet and the pack of oxygen bottles, smoking a cigarette. 

     “Okay, fella,” he said. “Off you go.” He went upstairs and found the main transmitting room. There were two transmitting desks, each with a towering metal frame of grey radio equipment in front of it. One of these sets was dead and silent, the instruments all at zero. The other set stood by the window, and here the casement had been blown from its hinges and lay across the desk. 
     One end of the window frame projected outside the building and teetered gently in the light breeze. One of the upper corners rested on an overturned Coke bottle on the desk. The transmitting key lay underneath the frame that rested unstably above it, teetering a little in the wind. He reached out and touched it with his gloved hand. The frame rocked on the transmitting key, and the needle of a milli-ammeter upon the set flipped upwards. He released the frame, and the needle fell back.

The End        

     Following a rather exciting road race in which Osborne is the victor, the novel comes to a close with all of the characters given a choice in how they want to face the end. The first option is to wait it out and suffer the effects of a terminal dose of radiation, which the author shares in a detailed description. The second option is far more acceptable in the form of cyanide pills neatly packaged to soothe the nerves. 
     As the cloud descends, the lines get longer at the locations where the pills are being distributed. The Holmes are forced to decide how to take the life of their newborn child before taking their own. Moira also accepts her fate stoically and Commander Towers has made the decision to take the USS Scorpion out to sea and with the crew on board, sink it. His crew agrees to go down with the ship. Moira watches from her car on a cliff as the submarine sails away, then takes the pill.


     IMAGE: The novelist creates striking scenes throughout, with detailed descriptions of not just ordinary life as the cloud slowly descends on southern Australia, but the complexity of the surviving military staff to understand its implications. 
     The mission to Seattle is a stark and intriguing center point of the novel that illustrates fate at its finest hour, the Morse code key with the ghost radioman in the form of a dangling windowsill. Note here that the feature-length film directed by Stanley Kramer and released in 1959 by United Artists failed to capture the essence of this most striking imagery of the entire novel, opting for the coke bottle variation instead. It was impossible to recreate visually, only in fictionalized writing.         

     VOICE: The characters clearly show mixed emotions throughout the novel, as seen in the brief scene featuring Dwight Towers and Moira Davidson. The sub commander trying to calm the socialite who is hysterical because she has never been to Paris and now can never go. It stands as a chilling reminder just how quickly fate can turn against even the most self-assured person. 
     CHARACTER: Although many of the ensemble principals appear a little too predictable and stock, they all have moments of expressing their emotions, self-doubts, shortcomings with facing an unfulfilled life. They blame everyone but themselves for the impending doom, especially those who lived in the Northern Hemisphere, where the war began. Others, such as the higher echelon military characters, remain cool headed, still searching for solutions until the very end, knowing all too well there isn’t one. 
      SETTING: Faraway places devastated by thousands of atomic detonations are brought to life and reflected diametrically opposite to the serenity of Australia, the last bastion for humanity. The ominous cloud hangs over not just most of the world but also in the minds of those few remaining who are doomed by its semi-invisible presence, read on a Geiger counter. 
     RESOLUTION: The novel ends predictably with the last of the ensemble one by one signing off. 


Bio & Photo, http://www.nevilshute.org/ 
Sputnik, https://www.razorrobotics.com/russians-launch-sputnik-satellite-into-space/ 
Berlin Wall, https://news.usc.edu/71860/remembering-the-night-the-berlin-wall-went-up-and-when-it-came-down/ 
Khrushchev, https://writingqueen.wordpress.com/2018/04/30/global-communication-today/ 
A-bomb photo, https://www.mun.ca/biology/scarr/A-bomb_testing_1957.html 
Character Review Notes (edited), https://www.sparknotes.com/lit/onthebeach/characters/ Story Summary (edited), https://www.enotes.com/topics/beach 
On The Beach, e-Pub, https://www.fadedpage.com/showbook.php?pid=20131214 
Coke Bottle, http://mark-markmywords.blogspot.com/2014/09/movie-review-stanley-kramers-on-beach.html 
Film Poster, http://www.gstatic.com/tv/thumb/v22vodart/3072/p3072_v_v8_aa.jpg



When Journalism Worldviews Collide--

     (RED BEACH)--Diametrically opposed by their ethnic and professional backgrounds, Andrew Mercier and Barkha Dutt share at least one thing in common. The first reported in Muck Rack that the second is one of the most followed journalists on Twitter.
     "The platform has been credited with giving a voice to people in closed societies, inciting revolution, opening dialogues on tough issues and being used by world leaders to get their unfiltered messages out to supporters and critics alike...This top 10 has some notable changes from 2013, mostly the inclusion of some journalists in India." (Muck Rack)
Ms. Dutt is rated at number four, behind only Anderson Cooper of CNN, Rachel Maddow of MSNBC and her fellow countryman Rajdeep Sardesai. The 2017 list shows Barkha at over 6 million followers, currently the Twitter page for her shows nearly 7 million followers. (Twitter)
     Barkha Dutt (@BDUTT) on Twitter indicates she signed up in February 2009 and her bio reads;
     "Barkha Rani Jamke Barasti Hai. Emmy Nominated Reporter. Wannabe Lawyer. Columnist @WashingtonPost Contributing Editor @TheWeekLive. Argumentative! Aaron Ka Yaar." (Twitter)
Barkha also has a Facebook home page that indicates 600 thousand likes and roughly the same number of followers. Clearly, the "money" appears to be in her Twitter base. (Facebook)
     Twitter recently locked Ms. Dutt out of her account over an online sexual harassment complaint she filed against the social media leviathan.
     "On Feb. 18, Dutt tweeted a screenshot of a complaint she emailed to Twitter, saying the website had temporarily locked her out of her account. It had done so, she said, because she had tweeted some identifying details of men who had allegedly sent her abuse, including obscene photographs and rape threats." (Aria Thaker, Quartz India)
According to the article, Twitter has made it a practice to ignore complaints from women of India who have filed similar complaints against the website, described as a place for "microblogging."  The article continues to point out the immediate response given to a similar incident involving an American journalist, also pointing out the extent to which one of India's most prominent journalists was attacked through abusive posts. A month later, India Today reported that the police had taken action.
     "Four people have been arrested by the Delhi Police cybercrime cell for allegedly harassing senior journalist Barkha Dutt online. Dutt took to Twitter to confirm reports of the arrest." (India Today)
The article indicates not just the names of the suspects but the degree to which they conspired in the alleged cybercrime activities. 
     For her part, Ms. Dutt's presence on Twitter includes posts relating to many diverse topics of concern for India. For the month of July she has already posted at least sixty tweets ranging from a flashback to the days when she gained fame reporting on the #Kargil conflict: to recent issues such as the resignation of prominent political leader Rahul Gandhi of the Indian National Congress, following its recent defeat in Parliamentary elections. (Schultz, Kumar, NY Times). Clearly, Barkha Dutt 's multifaceted, well-informed approach and style on Twitter is a credit to her profession which explains her high rating in the higly competitive realm of social media journalism.
     For his part, Andrew Mercier (@Andrew_MuckRack) boosts a paltry 833 followers, by no means a Twitter rock-star. His bio reads.
     " Information addict, news junkie, @HarlemYuppie, and @muckrack Editorial Director. Views expressed here are my own. andrew.mercier[at]http://muckrack.com." (Twitter)
What separates Mercier from his colleagues is his position at the web rating site Muck Rack; finding information about the who's who in social media journalism is difficult and he is the go to person to provide it. Opposite in many ways to Ms. Dutt in gender, ethnicity, background and age, Mercier's Twitter page in no way reflects that he is out of the loop when it comes to being in the know.  His LinkedIn bio is far more descriptive of his talent.
     "I have spent nearly half my life in some kind of customer service capacity and have no desire to stop any time soon. In that time, I've learned a myriad of skills and have had the honor of managing some great teams." (LinkedIn)
Here, he shows 500 plus connections which indicates a strong background in his field and lists Education as New York U. with a BS in Media, Culture and Communications.  One of his more recent posts on Twitter gives a link to the necessity of why journalists need to develop their online portfolio. Keeping with a recent JOUR304 lecture by Dr. Paromita Pain at UNR, the article emphasizes the shrinking role of newspapers as the primary source of news for the public.
     "And although some savvy newspapers were able to strongarm their way through the digital shift by migrating to online-native publications, all outlets have had to face one ugly truth: there just aren’t as many jobs in the traditional journalism field as there used to be." (Muck Rack)
It is no wonder that Mercier is the editorial director at Muck Rack, which is exactly where the article suggests going to establish the online profile and portfolio necessary for success in social media journalism.
     Forget the old days where reporters relied on the standards required to get the news published, times have changed. Even though some of the requirements remain in place such as verification, social media now allows journalists to follow live reports being posted by those on location, who many times prove to be citizens directly involved in the story. Adapting to the trends of journalism on social media will assure Barkha Dutt of her stellar standings on Twitter and Mercier's continued accuracy in his reliable information on performance of journalists on social media in general. 

Works Cited
Mercier, A., Muck Rack, https://muckrack.com/blog/2017/07/31/the-2017-state-of-journalism-on-twitter
Barkha-Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/BarkhaDutt/
@BDUTT, https://twitter.com/BDUTT
Thaker, A., Twitter Lockout, https://qz.com/india/1555678/twitter-treated-nyts-maggie-haberman-different-than-barkha-dutt/
Cybercrime Arrests, https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/barkha-dutt-online-harassment-arrest-1482345-2019-03-20
Schultz, K., Kumar, H., Resignation, https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/03/world/asia/rahul-gandhi-resigns.html
@Andrew_MuckRack, https://twitter.com/Andrew_MuckRack
Mercier, LinkedIn, https://www.linkedin.com/in/amercier88?trk=people-guest_profile-result-card_result-card_full-click
Online Portfolio, https://muckrack.com/blog/2019/04/18/online-portfolios-for-journalists-with-muck-rack